Slot Management – Part II (Slot Guardian™ Introduction)
In our last post, Slot Management – Part I (New and Existing Products), we detailed the challenge manufacturers experience managing slots throughout their distributor partners’ houses – existing products, balanced with introducing new products into distribution. We disclosed the Ryan Group/IBI Data developed a new resource, Slot Guardian™, which enables manufacturers to better manage distributor slotting performance. This post, Slot Management – Part II (Slot Guardian™ Introduction) provides details about our new, exciting resource complete with a special introductory offer.

Measurement, Measurement, Measurement! Time to complete the loop. Once the three step Slot Guardian™ process has been implemented, the Ryan Group/IBI Data will evaluate key metrics to refine any required follow-up targeted action activities. Included will be a slot retention analysis, complete with a corresponding sales analysis. All the ensuing tactics will be reviewed on a ROI basis, plus an execution performance audit (what worked, what didn’t work) will be conducted.
Special Offer: For enrolling in our new Slot Guardian™ program – 50% off set-up costs for manufacturers signing a 12-month agreement.
Interested? For more information or to arrange a demonstration contact: 877.424.8725 or email us at @ slotguardian@IBIDATA.COM.